6 O' Clock!!
Thanks for the peaceful sleep!!
Bye to the bed for the next 18 hours !!
Precisely 1080 mins...64800 secs.....
Too long or Too short! Dont know!
Whom am i going to see when i open my eyes today?Dunno!
pappa,amma ,alan or the Framed picture of Mother Mary or
is it going to be some ugly insect ??
Am i going to have an exciting day or a gloomy day?Dunno!
Will i be Busy or Idle today?? Dunno!
Will there be strike today at college or will i end up sitting in
the class....boring?? Dunno!
Am i going to crack a lot of jokes today or lose my emotional
balance for some stupid thing and end up crying ? Dunno!
Will i accidentally involve in a fight today ?Dunno!
Am i going to spend too much money today? Dunno!
Am i going to get any bad news today or a compliment?Dunno!
Will i be talking to some Stranger today? Dunno!
Will i be able to work out my Plans successfully? Dunno!
How many times will i get a chance to Smile today? Dunno
Never Or Always ??? It can happen! i had experienced both!
How many chocolates will i be hopefully eating today?Dunno!
May be 5 or 10?? or None :-(
How many sms am i going to send and recieve today?Dunno!
Am i going to do any mischief today and get a lot of scoldings
from Someone? Dunno!!
Will i be forgetting any important thing today? Dunno!!
i make up a lot of plans for each day
but somedays everything happens against my wish.....
unexpectedly,strange things come up , spoiling my day!
But Morning seems to be innocent....with all its freshness!!
PROMISING a great day ahead !!GOODMORNING!!
Wats going to be so good about this morning ,my Lord!
this question comes up to my mind everyday just before
i get up from my bed..............
this question comes up to my mind everyday just before
i get up from my bed..............
Start off the Day..... the question hour ends.....
with a lot of Dunno's left........Time to Open my Eyes!
Fortunately ,waiting for the answers to all Dunno's by
evening!!Here begins My Day...7 O' Clock!!!