My college days in a few sweet words!! GETTING UP LATE ......SLIGHT BREAKFAST...that too at the last minute.........FOOT BOARD travel a crowded bus......LATE ATTENDANCE........LATE SUBMISSIONS of assignments and stuff ........LONG canteen.......SHARING FOOD............MOBILES IN SILENT MODE............always sharing thoughts through sms....PHOTO SESSIONS......ALWAYS SOMTHING TO TALK.......and chit chat!...MASS BUNK.....FRIDAY OUTINGS ......mostly at CCD or ambrosia!!.....LAST MINUTE STUDY........SILLY MISUNDERSTANDINGS.......AND 2min fights!! STRUGGLE 4 MARKS...................ENJOYING THE MOST BORING LECTURES......throwing papers,drawing strange pics,humming watever comes in mind, enjoying smiles in all faces....ENJOY GROUP ARGUMENTS............. TOUR .....24/10 with friends alone........ARTS FEST..........AAGNEYA(unforgettable days)...........FILM FEST....DEMO DAYS................ONAM CELEBRATION..............endlessssssssssssssssss FUN!! LATE NIGHT CHATS......LATE SLEEP...........waiting eagerly for another grand day!! |
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Saturday, October 4, 2008
' Inside The Dark Room of My Mother's Womb'!!
Once upon a time I was a single cell , not realising the fact that 'what is the future happens now, and what happens now becomes the past' . My Creator, having decided the combination of all characters i should possess , The cell started Multiplying to take the form of a Foetus, that eventually began Breathing, one fine day, in my mother's Womb....
Everyday has a hidden secret and i have seen it many times. But i do not know if i had experienced this secret right from the day when i was in a cellular form or may be i never knew the concept of a day! I might not have opened my eyes, not even once,to see whether its dark or bright around me ,the place where i stayed 9months and 14 days. I might have heard the lovely voice of my mom talking to me .... but did i recognize the language and did i interpret what she talked to me??? Didnt i feel bored , always yawning and sleeping , floating in the amniotic fluid, while the development of organs were going on,without disturbing me...Day and Night didnt make a difference for me... ...Did i ever knew that i was inside a beautiful lady....May be i looked at the sun through her eyes, heard though her ears, travelled with her , smiled when she was happy and never Cried!!!! Did the blood vessels frighten me or did i realise they were the means of nourishment for my organs??? Never angry with anyone... Not complaining on anything... even though i was tied to the wall of uterus by the umblical cord....and fighting against the forces that were trying to expell me with the help of those friendly hormones.... At last when i was pushed out into this world ,knowing what god has in store for me...i cried!! That wasnt for long.....but from there on Life seemed Complex! I Realised the HEAVEN inside My Mother's Womb..........
Thursday, April 10, 2008
The Power to move the Mountain!
[inspiration] Faith is the Power that can move the Mountains. Its the driving force that can accomplish anything seemingly impossible. Faith can make reality work differently.If we wish something,we may or may not get it. But Faith can definitely produce positive results.We can experience peace and contentment and believe that our future is gonna be fine, if we have Faith. Faith is expecting success and declaring everything that happens to be part of our success no matter what. Dont let fate to have its trial on u,be sure and confident about your life! "Look before u leap"-proverb doesnt make any sense if u have Faith. We have only one life ; build ur lives on the strong foundation of faith.. ..Without faith,Nothing is Possible....with it,Nothing is Impossible......... |
Friday, April 4, 2008
Meet my diary!
Air and Water are the most important life sustaining elements. But my case is different...i have my own composition of elements of life.. My Personal diary,Chocolates,Music,My bangle box are a few of those! If i am thrown into an empty lifeless planet ,i might live without air and water but not without my diary ...I dont address her as "it"...i RESPECT her...Because My Diary is at the same time ,a teacher and student to me..a Part of me. We share everything in Life...Now she has become old with experiences She is the Deviser of My Life....My sweet sister..She can feel my happiness and Sorrows...Consoles me...Congratulates me...My life is an open book to her.She 's INTELLIGENT ,as i am her knowledge and vocabulary...Her memory capacity is but limited to 317 pages....but thats ok! i never treat her inferior..... She reads whatever i write on her pages...and keeps it all a secret...I tell her only truths ...i Trust her...She never betrays me... I have placed my Diary on the table along with my books....But no one dares to open it and read...She's INVISIBLE to others may Magical words!!She's BEAUTIFUL with all the pictures ,paper cuttings ,and many other colourful stuffs...She's my Best Friend...i never forget any important incidents or people, as she remembers everything 4 me... Everyday i spend a few minutes with my diary, telling her about my day....This is just an intro...about her! |
Friday, March 7, 2008
An Hour Before I Wake Up!!

6 O' Clock!!
Thanks for the peaceful sleep!!
Bye to the bed for the next 18 hours !!
Precisely 1080 mins...64800 secs.....
Too long or Too short! Dont know!
Whom am i going to see when i open my eyes today?Dunno!
pappa,amma ,alan or the Framed picture of Mother Mary or
is it going to be some ugly insect ??
Am i going to have an exciting day or a gloomy day?Dunno!
Will i be Busy or Idle today?? Dunno!
Will there be strike today at college or will i end up sitting in
the class....boring?? Dunno!
Am i going to crack a lot of jokes today or lose my emotional
balance for some stupid thing and end up crying ? Dunno!
Will i accidentally involve in a fight today ?Dunno!
Am i going to spend too much money today? Dunno!
Am i going to get any bad news today or a compliment?Dunno!
Will i be talking to some Stranger today? Dunno!
Will i be able to work out my Plans successfully? Dunno!
How many times will i get a chance to Smile today? Dunno
Never Or Always ??? It can happen! i had experienced both!
How many chocolates will i be hopefully eating today?Dunno!
May be 5 or 10?? or None :-(
How many sms am i going to send and recieve today?Dunno!
Am i going to do any mischief today and get a lot of scoldings
from Someone? Dunno!!
Will i be forgetting any important thing today? Dunno!!
i make up a lot of plans for each day
but somedays everything happens against my wish.....
unexpectedly,strange things come up , spoiling my day!
But Morning seems to be innocent....with all its freshness!!
PROMISING a great day ahead !!GOODMORNING!!
Wats going to be so good about this morning ,my Lord!
this question comes up to my mind everyday just before
i get up from my bed..............
this question comes up to my mind everyday just before
i get up from my bed..............
Start off the Day..... the question hour ends.....
with a lot of Dunno's left........Time to Open my Eyes!
Fortunately ,waiting for the answers to all Dunno's by
evening!!Here begins My Day...7 O' Clock!!!
Friday, February 29, 2008
My Butterfly Phobia!

Butterflies are the most beautiful creation of God!
i know that...i admire their beauty when they are not anywhere near me...But when they fly towards me, i am scared..and i do all sorts of things to get away or run to amma and keep requesting her to kill it...i dont even go near a dead one...The big brown moths,cocroach and butterflies are the scariest to me...this habit has earned me a hell lot of scoldings from my dad and mom ,right from my childhood itself...frankly speaking, i wanted to get away from this fear... My dad has tried a lot this way,but every attempt friends always used to make fun of me for my fear for butterflies. But they dont know what goes in my mind!i am totally disturbed!
One day , i saw people at home staring at me when i was back home from school..i thought wat happened to them....i asked amma what's wrong about me...she said was smiling at me. When i got inside my room, and stood infront of the mirror,i suddenly saw an Ugly Butterfly on my skirt...OMG! i felt that it was staring at me with its huge eyes as if it would eat me up. i made a big mess at my home that day...i was crying as i ran to amma...then dad took it out of the house...i couldnt sleep well for th next few days.. even if i slept ,i suddenly woke up thinking that something s disturbing the air around me...i Hate all flying creatures! How i wish God had not created these creatures!!
Dunno,wats yet to come up! now my parents are there to safeguard me,
as they know how terrible my feelings are ,on seeing butterflies! My mom
says that Human beings are the most dangerous ones in this earth...not these innocent ,harmless creatures..I know they r harmless but i cant help it... 'god please help me out of my butterfly phobia'....
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Y This cruelty to my dear ones!!
My "dear ones" ;i meant all those who are born with abnormal
health conditions like downsyndrome or any other genetic and
chromosomal defects...
[This is my experience that i would like to share with all of u]
Large sized head, protruding almond shaped eyes ,prominent
tongue, short legs etc distinguishes these induviduals from normal
human beings. They are neither beautiful nor intelligent ,but they
have a sensitive heart. They might have mental and physical disabilities,
they are always dependent but they are also a part of this world.
Family and relationships are meant for them too.
i have seen many times how a family near my home,treats their only
child ,who is affected with downsyndrome. The mother in the family beat
him whenever she sees the child in front of her. i saw her stamp on his chest,
for lying down on the can a mother behave in this way...i don't know.
he seemed dirty always , salivating constantly,wearing dirty clothes.He
always made a peculiar noise and watched around him like a brutal beast..
i saw him always crying..whenever i passed his house ,i saw him looking out
of the window . i never forgot to smile at him and he smiled at me back.
i really feel for his miseries. But some days he threw stones at me
day he even gave me a biscuit ..i was his only friend.. His parents lack
the knowledge to realize that this child could have been much better
if they had given him good treatment and also send him to the school
for mentally retarded.. God loved him ..that i knew because
another lady who used to curse him always and make fun of him ,
got a defective child for herself. God taught her how much he cared
for him. And he is no more now!
i know how my aunt looks after my cousin brother..she loves him so
much and she treats him as if he is normal. She taught him everything
about how to be in a family. But he wont talk properly neither can he
call 'appa' 'amma' . He goes to 'The School for Mentally Retarded'
by Rev. Fr . Felix. i always felt that he is more intelligent than
else in our family.he plays all kinds of musical instruments. he knows
painting , embroidery and many other skills which even normal humans
cant do. He was made to explore and develop the dormant abilities within worked wonders in his life.....
'Having a child with Down syndrome cannot be prevented' says
medical reports . we are not to blame anybody for a baby having
this condition. Nothing you did before or during pregnancy might
have caused it. It occurs in all races, in all social classes and in all
countries throughout the world. It can happen to anyone. Thank god
for what we have and do care for the ones who are not lucky to live like
us ,in this world.
LOVE is the medicine that can cure any defects. But it has to be
in our hearts,ready to be shared , for the ones who are in need of it..
Understand their wants...Love them...Hurt them not...They too have feelings!
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
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